
Catia Anyena


I reached out to Catia for support during an especially low and difficult time in my life. My session with her was of tremendous support – I felt a deep shift, with a heavy weight being lifted from my heart and soul. Catia has a unique way of making one feel safe. Holding space in a gentle and loving way, I felt safe and held, as if she was giving me permission to be vulnerable, and to simply be myself. The combination of her deep love, her extraordinary gift of intuition, and her sacred connection to the spirit realms, create a powerful and transformational healing experience. I am eternally grateful to Catia for her work and her presence. And … when she calls you “Sweetheart”, she REALLY means it!

Lynette, South Africa

I cannot describe in just a few words how impactful Catia’s sessions are on your soul, body and mind. Her guidance is gentle and loving, she’ll make you feel heard, safe, home; thanks to her I was able to connect once again with the purest and most authentic part of me, which I had long forgotten and thought was lost forever. Thank you Catia Anyena for everything you do for the people who come asking you for help, your whole being is truly outstanding and I’m immensely grateful I get to be a part of your life. Keep up the good work!!!

Rei, Italy

Catia is a caring and compassionate, yet powerful force. Her wisdom and divine support has helped to bring about a gentle healing in my heart. She guides with such great love from her heart, and truly wishes to bring out the best in others, so to help us blossom forth and move into the best life that we can. My healing session was exceptional and enjoyable, and I am honored to have been able to work with her. 


Robyn, USA

Every time I have a session with Catia, it turns out to be unexpected, healing happens in surprising ways and I can reach parts of myself that I couldn’t see before. Catia lays down a path of love and compassion on where we  cannot miss whatever we have lost and needs to be integrated. She helped me to finally become the person that I really am, to get rid of the strings that hold me back in the past.

Kai, Germany

I was fortunate enough to experience a session with Catia where I found she was so easy to trust and open up to. She held a perfect space for me to be vulnerable, authentic and ready for healing. I remember I struggled to “see” in the meditation she did with me, she was so intuitive that she just used a different method. In other words she was completely attuned to what I needed and my session with her was so unique in that way.

I would definitely recommend her to anyone as I know she will embrace exactly what they need.

She is a true gift to anyone who finds her.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️

Sharon, South Africa

I dont know where to start to describe the sessions of Catia as they are so incredible.  She is able to see and feel everything of you. You don’t need to tell her what is wrong or what she needs to do. Once you are open for yourself just take an appointment and let yourself heal, activate, recode to your core through Catia.

I feel blessed to know her 🙏🏻

You are in safe hands 🔥❤️

Anisha, Antwerp, Belgium

I have often found myself in what I call the state of “dissociation.” Dissociated from the reality around me, as if another person was living my life. Catia in her sessions, thanks to her sensitivity and natural ability of reading you like an open book, made me realize that I had actually drifted away from my inner child. And that in order to feel centered and confident I needed to listen to that part of myself. To this day I anchor myself to Catia’s  words in order to reconnect with my inner child and live peacefully. Thank you Catia! Great work! Eternally grateful

Spesso mi sono ritrovata in quello stato che io chiamo di “dissociazione “. Dissociata dalla realtà intorno a me, come se a vivere la mia vita sia un’altra persona. Catia nelle sue sedute, grazie alla sua sensibilità e alla dote naturale di leggerti dentro, mi ha fatto prendere consapevolezza che in realtà mi ero allontanata dalla mia bambina interiore. E che per sentirmi centrata e sicura di me dovevo ascoltare questa parte di me. Spesso mi ancoro alle parole di Catia per riprendere il contatto con la mia bambina interiore e vivere più serenamente. Grazie Catia! Grande lavoro! Eternamente grata!

Rosanna, Catania, Italy

The healing sessions that I have received from Catia allowed me to tap into hidden and unconscious parts within me. She held space in such a loving and compassionate way for me, while providing guidance and support. I am beyond grateful for her presence and support. 

I would strongly recommend her services for anyone who wishes to embark on the journey of self discovery. Catia will hold your hand as a close friend throughout your journey while empowering you through her grounded and supportive energy. 

If you want to go deeper within yourself and tap into your own power, please don’t hesitate and contact Catia for a session.

With a lot of gratitude, 

Ludmila, Antwerp, Belgium

Having been on a Spiritual path for many years, after joining with Catia she helped to unlock something in way that had been hitherto inaccessible.

I felt safe, held and fully supported, and would recommend her to anyone who requires a loving, heartfelt guide on their journey.  

Michael, UK

I have received healing sessions from Catia where I was able to be guided to parts of myself I wasn’t aware of. It opened up my vision and activated such amazing energies that it helped me to move deeper into my own inner power. It has also helped for my inner child to feel loved and accepted as I felt safe and protected during the whole session. If you are looking for a gentle yet powerful healing then Catia is the right person to guide you to places of yourself that need to be seen and loved. I am so grateful to have been able to receive such an amazing gift and I am excited to experience much  more of these healing activations with Catia in the future.

Dana, Antwerp , Belgium

The session I had with Catia Anyena on reconnecting with my inner child helped me retrace stages of my childhood that I had almost forgotten. This helped eliminate elements of discontinuity in my memories and give me inner joy. Catia Anyena’s guidance on this journey was discreet and professional, she kept the right pace throughout the session.

Salvatore, Treviso, Italy