
Catia Anyena

Be-You-Healing Sessions

The MeChild© Re-Connection and Re-Cognition

Euro 70/hr

Duration: 60 min
in presence or online via Zoom/Skype (recording available).
Language: Italian, English

Through a guided meditation we will go together to meet and bring back home what you think, at a certain point of your existence, you may have lost for good: Your true authentic self or, as I call it, The “MeChild©”. You will find your way back to your true home, your true You, for a fulfilling, empowered and balanced life from a place of freedom. Are you ready to Re-connect and Re-cognize “You”? Do you want to learn more about The “MeChild©”?

Contact us, we will walk with you!.

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Intuitive Multidimensional and Energy Healing

Euro 70/hr

Duration: 60 min
in presence or online via Zoom/Skype (recording available).
Language: Italian, English

What is it ? This is a Healing modality directly transmitted and given to you from a facilitator (the bridge), from the Source, your loving Guides and Spirits, Loving Ancestors, Angelic realm, spirit animals, Your Higher Self and all the loving beings and universal divine consciousness that are assisting you in your experience in this now moment on Earth for your Highest good, through guided meditation and intuitive counseling. This sessions includes anything that needs to be released or activated in you for your Highest Good according to your unique system and your Soul mastery to become One again within you and with All that is. The intent is to bring back all parts of you that got lost, blocked for past experiences or traumas, to bring back gifts and talents, to restore your pristine status as Divine Child, to incarnate consciously all your multidimensional aspects and owning them so that you can reclaim your full sovereignty as Divine being having a human experience under the law of pure Unconditional Love. We are at the verge of a new Earth and new humanity where Love, Oneness and harmony will be again the Paradigm, where the Heart and Mind are in balance, so what part are you going to play?

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Oneness-Divine Sacred Union Within

Euro 70/hr

Duration: 60 min
in presence or online via Zoom/Skype (recording available).
Language: Italian, English

Through a guided meditation we will go together on the path to Your true self where the God and the Goddess are in Sacred Union. No matter the gender , we all have masculine and feminine energy in Us and they need to be in balance in order to manifest heart and soul based relationships. This implies that before loving somebody else unconditionally and having a fulfilling meaningful relationship with somebody we need to first unconditionally Love ourselves, all parts of us, dark and light, good and bad, masculine and feminine without judgment. Divine Counterparts ,Twin Flames, Soul Mates , … it really does not matter the “category” that even in the spiritual communities have been created. There’s no way to reach and manifest Union with a partner if this Union is not already reached inside of you. And the Union is always Sacred because the Divine, God, the creator (whatever name you want to use) is always part of this equation: we are Sacred beings, we are Divine children, and Divine Unconditional Love is our natural state of being in YOUnion within and outside with All there is.
Don’t look around and outside of you, everything starts with and in You.

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Reiki Chakras Balancing

Euro 70/hr

Duration: 60 min
in presence or online via Zoom/Skype (recording available).
Language: Italian, English

In this session through a guided meditation we will go through the chakra system using the Reiki technique to allow Life force energy to flow freely and harmoniously in your body, to promote spiritual healing and self-improvement, reduce stress , improve relaxation, inner peace, emotional stability, mental clarity. Rei means God’s wisdom or Higher Power, and Ki means life force energy. It’s based on the notions that all beings and humans have this life force energy flowing through, which makes them alive. When this energy is low or it blocks for physical, emotional or mental issues then we tend to get sick or feel stressed, when it’s balanced and flows freely through the body then we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Chakras are the invisible energy centers of the human body where this universal Life force energy flows. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “spinning wheel or vortex”. They are the link between your physical body and your aura and the bridge between the spiritual world and the physical world. You have many chakras within and around you that are known as minor chakras and 7 major chakras that run along your spinal cord up to the head: they energize the Aura and regulate the nervous system, endocrine glands and major organs; they govern the body, mind and soul. Each of the 7 chakras has its own auric color and a unique function. Thoughts and actions play a role in the flow of “life force” energy through your chakras: Worries and Fears can slow down or inhibit the energy from flowing in a chakra, whereas love, gratitude and compassion strengthen your chakra energy. Are You ready to balance your energy field?

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